12 Core Statements of a Mature, Equipped Disciple

Hitting a target is awfully difficult if you don't know what you are aiming for.
These statements represent the kind of disciples that we are becoming be God's grace.
They provide us a vision for where where we're aiming, where we're headed.
They also give us a diagnostic tool to evaluate how we're doing so that we can evaluate and carry on.
SEE: look at Jesus
1. I seek to worship regularly in Spirit and truth, through Bible engagement and through seeking God in all that He has made.
2. I make time to listen to God and to meditate on Him and biblical truth both alone and with others.
3. I am regular and specific in how I pray.
BE: look like Jesus
1. I seek ways to apply Jesus’ life and teachings to my own life.
2. The fruit of the Spirit is evident in my life.
3. I can often say that I look more like Jesus today than yesterday.
GIVE: love like Jesus
1. I acknowledge that everything I have belongs to God and can be stewarded for His glory.
2. I look for ways to notice needs around me and sacrificially serve others both individually and in community.
3. I put God first in giving of my time, talents, “temple”, and treasures as an active part of my faith family.
GO: lead to Jesus
1. I choose to live as an example of Jesus, through grace-driven effort, as best I can.
2. I genuinely love people where they are.
3. I build others up and look for ways to introduce them to Jesus and Christian community.